Our collective consciousness… Helping Homeless with Hygiene program
- We are all part of the same interrelated community.
- Jump founded on the philosophy of donating hygiene to those in need.
- The more kits we sell, the more cleansers we donate.
- Jump supports the- "One Planet One Health"
- Jump has a "Sense of Us"
- Jump is committed to giving back to help the homeless with providing cleansers for hygiene.
- At Homeless shelters, hygiene is a critical requirement. We know , here at Jump, that good skin care hygiene can help reduce spread of germs. This is critically important in the close living of homeless shelters.
- Jump’s mission is giving back to help the homeless help themselves with good hygiene.
Jump has selected Simply The Basics, The Nation’s Premier Hygiene Bank as our non-profit partner because our missions are aligned. As they have stated, “The most basic human needs are to feel safe and healthy”, and in keeping with this, Jump will donate 2 cleansers: PRIME for men and STRETCH for women, for every 10 kits sold.

Mission Statement
The Mission of Simply the Basics is to provide for individuals, organizations, and communities their most basic needs with dignity so that they can focus on bigger goals. We simply remove barriers, allowing people to have the opportunity to achieve.
- - To improve the overall health and wellbeing of the low income community, people at risk of losing their homes, and people experiencing homelessness.
- - To save nonprofits time and resources by managing, securing, and redistributing their in-kind and hygiene related needs, allowing them to focus their time on clients and their Mission.
History & Philosophy
In the winter of 2015, Meghan Freebeck hosted a donation drive of menstrual hygiene products for people experiencing homelessness in San Francisco. After only 48 hours, enough money and products were raised to provide for every homeless female (based on the 2015 Point in Time count) in San Francisco! It was clear how great the need was for basic hygiene products and how much the community wanted to to support this goal. It was decided to find a way to ensure that all people have their basic needs met, regardless of housing or income.
The most basic human needs are to feel safe and healthy. Simply the Basics is inspired by Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the philosophy that people are unable to focus on any needs higher than their current level on the following pyramid. If a person is unable to meet their needs at the very basic level (food, shelter, clothing, education, and hygiene), they will be incapable of moving up in the pyramid to reach greater goals (job security, sobriety, mental health, and self actualization).